Simone Ciotta Apps

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Simone Ciotta
L'applicazione sfrutta il sensore interno deldispositivo, posizionandolo in orizzontale e attivando una delle 3opzioni, al movimento dello stesso farà scatterà l'allarme,chiamata telefonica oppure sms (precedentemente selezionata).The application uses the internal sensor of the device tolandscape and activating one of the three options, the movement ofthe same will triggered the alarm, phone call or text message(previously selected).The application uses theinternal sensor of the device to landscape and activating one ofthe three options, the movement of the same will triggered thealarm, phone call or text message (previously selected).The application uses the internal sensor of the device tolandscape and activating one of the three options, the movement ofthe same will triggered the alarm, phone call or text message(previously selected).
Simone Ciotta
Luxmetro è una semplice applicazione permisurare l'intensità luminosa con allegata l'anteprima (foto) dellamisura,Luxmetro funziona su cellulari con telecamera interna e condispositivo dedicato per la rilevazione della luminosità.Light meter is a simple application for measuring the lightintensity with attached preview (photo) of the measure,Light meter works on phones with internal camera and with dedicateddevice for detecting the brightness.Light meter is a simpleapplication for measuring the light intensity with attached preview(photo) of the measure,Light meter works on phones with internal camera and with dedicateddevice for detecting the brightness.Light meter is a simple application for measuring the lightintensity with attached preview (photo) of the measure,Light meter works on phones with internal camera and with dedicateddevice for detecting the brightness.
GPS Tracker Alarm
Simone Ciotta
Cosa serve per questo allarme GPS?Servono 2 cellulari, uno Android da inserire nella macchina oaltro, invece il secondo cellulare potrà usare qualsiasi sistemaoperativo per la ricezione e l'invio di SMS.L'applicazione serve per controllare la vostra auto, oggetto,bambino, semplicemente nascondendo il vostro cellulare da qualcheparte.L'applicazione attende da parte dell'utente una parola o letteraprecedentemente inserita nella casella di testo dedicata.Inserendo per esempio ciao nella casella di testo il cellulare allaricezione di ciao invierà all'utente un SMS con scritto:Latitudine, Longitudine, indirizzo e livello batteria inpercentuale del cellulare.What you need for this alarm GPS?Serve two phones, one Android to be inserted into the machine orother, however the second cell can use any operating system forreceiving and sending SMS.The application is used to control your own car, object, child,simply hiding your phone somewhere in the car.The application waits for the user a word or letter you typed inthe text box dedicated.For example by entering hello in the text box when you receivehello will send you an SMS with the text: Latitude, Longitude,address and battery level in percentage of the cell.What you need for thisalarm GPS?Serve two phones, one Android to be inserted into the machine orother, however the second cell can use any operating system forreceiving and sending SMS.The application is used to control your car, object, child, simplyhiding your phone somewhere.The application waits for the user a word or letter you typed inthe text box dedicated.For example by entering hello in the text box when you receivehello will send you an SMS with the text: Latitude, Longitude,address and battery level in percentage of the cell.What you need for this GPS alarm?Serves two phones, one Android to be inserted into the machine orother, However the second cell can use any operating system forreceiving and sending SMS.The application is used to control your own car, object, child,simply hiding your phone somewhere in the car.The application waits for the user to word or letter you typed inthe text box dedicated.For example by entering hello in the text box when you finish hellowill send you an SMS with the text: Latitude, Longitude, addressand battery level in percentage of the cell.
Ciclo Mestruale v1.01
Simone Ciotta
Ciclo Mestruale è una rapida applicazionepertenere sotto controllo il vostro ciclo, basterà inserire ladatadel vostro primo giorno di ciclo e poi inserire i giorni diattesaper essere avvisati alla nuova data.Ciclo Mestruale dispone di uno storico delle vostre date,basteràsemplicemente cliccare su Storico Date.Menstrual Cycle is arapidapplication to keep track of your cycle, simply enter thedate ofyour first day of the cycle and then enter the days ofwaiting to benotified of the new date.Menstrual Cycle has a history of your dates, simply clickonHistorical Dates.